So last pay period, I gave away all my money. I gave to friends who have small businesses by purchasing their products. I gave to anyone doing a walk. I bought presents and sent presents. It was richly satisfying. The "get back" consisted of an enormous leak in my roof which happened to spring right over my brand new couch which I haven't even seen yet. Better luck next time!
That said, I saw an episode of some cartoon with penguins that live in a zoo and do good deeds. The moral of the episode definitely involved karma, and doing a good deed so that the universe will give you something back. There is a similar breakdown of karma in Deepak Chopra's book on spiritual parenting. I'm not sure about my feelings on karma being used to describe relationships between giving and getting. You can find any pattern you look for - if you believe bad things happen to good people, then they do. If you believe that you get what you give, then you do. You will see the patterns that fit your world view. If you pigeonhole karma into a "what goes around, comes around" kind of scenario, then I suppose eventually, it will.
And if you do believe what goes around, comes around... feel free to leave a donation for my new couch.