Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Obstacle Challenge

     Thanks to my readers on Facebook who helped fuel my creative fire!  A few weeks ago I asked for your input as to what prevents you from drinking in the fullness of each moment of each day.  Some wonderful responses - and I hope to get to each - provided me with wonderful food for thought.  The Marrow of Life was originally created to help me keep track of my efforts to bring spirituality to a more realistic plane.  It seems that there are two camps - the totally dedicated, morning meditating, super composed, present, and esoteric folks who eat, sleep and breathe this stuff.  If you ask them if they believe in God, they usually serenely say something like, "There are many names for God, consciousness, presence, grace... yes, I believe in a higher power in the universe that connects all living things.. "

    And, well, the rest of us.  The ones that are still kind of a train wreck, have a pretty grounded idea that we're all connected, who can Be Here Now on a daily but not consistent basis, who would rather pull out their toenails than meditate for even 5 seconds, and who just desire for more meaning in life and an ATTAIN ABLY conscious way of living.  Usually if you ask us if we believe in God, we are all, "Um, well, sort of but not the bearded guy" and we leave it at that.

     This blog was intended for the "I don't relate to the bearded guy" crowd.  I thank my readers for their submissions about the obstacles that get in the way of feeling the deep miracle of every day.  It reminded me where this blog was supposed to go - and where it was supposed to come from.  It was not supposed to come from the 5 minutes I have to squeeze out of myself.  It was supposed to come from contemplation of the literature and resources I have, and how they relate to daily life.

     I'm afraid you guys have been treated to "JJ Lite" - the free version of the app that is supposed to lure you into the paid version with better features and interface.  Someday, I imagine that life will be settled down, I'll have a little designated, inspiring writing spot from which to still-full-ly (like "Skillfully," get it?) create inspiring blog-fodder for y'all... in the meantime, thanks for your patience with "Marrow Lite".

     Your challenge and mine for the week:  Write down the obstacles that get in the way of peaceful living.  For example, I discovered a HUGE one during this inquiry: PMS.  I swear to you that I cannot bring myself back from the brink of homicidal, small-me mindedness when I have PMS.  This is a new phenomenon to me, because I was on the pill for basically my entire reproductive life.  Just figuring that out has helped tremendously - I know not to take my Very Serious Emotions quite so... Seriously.

     Let's pay close attention to these marrow-suckers.  Some of mine: On a molar level (what we call "setting events" in behavior analysis): Being deprived of time alone, on a daily basis.  PMS.   Lack of creative time.  On a molecular level (what we call antecedents): Tantrumming toddler.  Condescending tone of voice.  Getting home too late.  All of these precursors send me straight to the edge of the "it's all about me" cliff.

    Report!  And, on a little-me note, if you're reading, please let me know, even with just a "present" or "accounted for".  I'd love to know you're out there!



  1. i'm here! i've got you in my google reader so i'm not always in commenting mode. enjoying "jj lite"! :) thinking of my obstacles-- you struck a nerve with me with "being deprived of time alone." that's a big one for me too, definitely.

  2. Hey Steph,
    I cannot even imagine how you are sane right now at all! I hope "Marrow" is a quality time diversion for you and am honored thatI make it into your rare alone time!
    I also struggle with this: as soon as I AM alone, it goes: dishes, laundry, straighten up, maybe shower, then.. OOPS! Kid is awake, no quality alone time.
