Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hormones and the Present Moment...

Are mutually exclusive. Last night I was in a complete and total funky fest for NO GOOD REASONS - minor frustrations. I kept returning to my breath, trying to key into my observer ad just let the pain body dissipate... but instead it kept getting bigger.. and bigger... and bigger... my Ego was upset that my husband suggested shopping apart... my pain body was triggered when my mom was late for babysitting... and my stomach was triggered when there were no Devil Dogs for the breastfeeding, fat-craving mama. I bought all the wrong presents, the baby cranked all day..

Who cares? Such MINOR complaints that turned into a complete and utter funk fest - snapping at my husband, snitting around like I'd been done wrong.. even complete awareness of the ridiculousness of the funk fest wasn't helping. My dad came to the rescue with his secret Yodel stash, which actually helped tremendously. So did sleep, and a now happy baby.

Next time, what am I supposed to do with a hormone induced funk fest? Coming back to my breath - useless this time. Couldn't get my hands on anything spiritual that I could tolerate reading. But while I am adjusting to new birth control, these funk fests are to be expected for a while.

In my mom's friend's kitchen, there is a plain key ring onto which she has attached index cards. Each card has a saying that she finds inspirational. It hangs on her kitchen cabinet next to the sink.


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