I am simply not evolved enough to feel deep gratitude for the beautiful baby gifts while at the same time immense amounts of resentment for the lack of gift receipts. Does that make me a bad person?
Today's challenge is to sort through all the gift and figure out where things are going: In our small space (1 bedroom for 2 adults and a child), to the cottage, back to the store? Here's the challenge: We prefer organic cotton items, and I would say 85% of the clothes we received are not even close. And did not have gift receipts included. Further, the things that were organic cotton - for example, play-yard sheet, mattress cover... all came wrapped.. in plastic. So how to reuse the plastic covers - most of which have buttons or zippers or snaps?
Some solutions we came up with:
A) Be lax. If we like it and it's not organic cotton, keep it. After all, all of our clothes are not organic cotton and she will come into contact with us plenty!
B) I posted on thenest.com local boards to find out where to return items w/ no receipts and learned that both Kohl's and the Carter's outlets and stores will take stuff back w/o a receipt. Awesome - I will give that a shot and let you know how it goes. Those ladies rock.
C) My dad wanted all the plastic bags with snaps and zippers because he keeps dropcloths and items in his workbench area in them. Mom wanted a couple for organizing wrapping bows, ribbons, etc. I kept one to put all the bath products for baby in, in case of leaks. Anyone have any additional suggestions here?
There are so many "cute" items that were personally selected for our baby and have all the good vibes of the giver on them, and I just hate to return those, but it comes back to the principle of having things we love in the house. And that means baby's things, too.
Additionally, I'd like to accomplish all of this is 97 degree heat while 35 weeks pregnant AND figure out how to make an iron-on maternity tee shirt for my friends first roller derby bout tonight. And wash all her bedding. In All Free and Clear. And eat a healthful, nutritious, organically and locally produced lunch (that didn't happen - nutritious, yes. The rest, no). And pee every 20 minutes. No problem. I'm on it.
I think I already need a nap [in our organic cotton sheets].