Monday, September 14, 2009

Higher Power?

This morning I woke up to Oprah's Sprit Newsletter in my email box, which I always mean to take the time to read but usually end up deleting as one of the endless helpful daily newsletters I receive.
I happen to be having an insomniac morning so I glanced over Wayne Dyer imploring me to put my relationship with my higher power (can we agree that could mean anything?) first.

Relationship with my higher power? It took 5 readings of Dance of the Dissident Daughter, two years of purposefully avoiding church, more years of re-programming myself every time I started to envision the Old White Guy with Beard hovering somewhere higher than me.. to finally come to see the source of life as a mighty river. To finally eliminate the idea of a HIGHER power and replace it with an interconnected web of intricacy beyond what I can understand... a "universe" powered by one source of life.
I don't even know if I have a relationship with that metaphor. I don't call out prayer to the universe. I don't ask the universe for this or that. I don't set intentions. I tend to get in the river and see where it goes, and I tend to do my best not to fight it. (As Deepak Chopra says in his Seven Spiritual Laws for Parenting, "Don't say no- go with the flow".

My challenge for the couple weeks that I sit home waiting for the baby to come (tomorrow is my last day of work, and I have mixed feelings about that but I know December will come in no time) will be to see if there is a relationship between me and "God" or consciousness or the Life Force or whatever you want to call our true selves - the divine within myself. It's either a) not there or b) so present I take it for granted.

Do you have a relationship with a higher power? Is that power "higher" than you? Does it consist mostly of you asking and hoping the higher power will deliver? How do you nurture that relationship if you do have one? If you don't have one, (a higher power or a relationship with a higher power), where do you see your place in the universe? If you were raised with a higher power and don't have one anymore, do you feel a hole?

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