Wednesday, March 9, 2011

All we have to do...

     Thank you to my classmate who introduced me to The National who introduced me to this beautiful sentiment: "All we gotta do is be brave, and be kind".  I don't think there is any other sentiment that boils it down so succicently (how do you spell that? Spell check wants it to be succulently - which is also appropriate).  In many hard ethical and moral dilemmas I've been in, that's what the decision comes to.  Handling a parent who is ripping me a new one? Be kind.  Handling the same parent for the 5th time? Be brave enough to stand up for myself... and be kind enough to hear the fear in their voice.    
     An unlikely source of the guiding wisdom of a lifetime.. what have you gotten from pop culture or pop songs that you go back to over and over to shine light in a difficult time or decision?


  1. i find inspiration in random thins all the time. this is from a leonard cohen song: "there is a crack in everything. that's how the light gets in." it reminds me to accept everyone (including myself) with all of the cracks and imperfections.

  2. Becky, I love that! Here's the universe sending me a whisper: I *just* re-heard that the other day on my random iPod shuffle drive home from some random city in NJ. For whatever reason, it stood out to me and never had before, and now here you are too... there must be something in there for me to hear. Thanks, Becky!
