Thursday, January 26, 2012

Drugs and Reality

     Can we talk?  The original goal of this blog was to paint a realistic portrait of how spirituality can fit into the ordinary lunatic life we all live today, and how a normal, messy, flawed, not quite enlightened person can really draw the marrow from life even while juggling all the hats we wear, and all those cliches.

     Lately I am feeling awesome, more divinely and calmly in touch with consciousness, spirit, God, however you call it.  Lately, I have also been on anti-depressants for the first time in my life consistently.  I have no doubt that that tiny alteration to my sort of messy brain chemistry has lifted the fog I typically live under - not a depressed fog... a "I take in too much stimulation at one time" fog.  Sort of.  

     If you have experience with anti-depressants or related medications, have you also had experience weaning off once a crisis is over, or once you feel confident and more secure?  I'm curious to know if the analogy of the diabetic is a true one: If you have an imbalance, there's no problem in regulating it medically.  I have no doubt whatever is going on in my grey matter is real; I've experienced it since I can remember, before I had a "story".  I do however doubt that medication is the only real way to "workaround".  I truly believe there could be a way of living, and deeper practice, that could manage this beast.  Medicating it does not align with my values and doesn't feel right to me when I can almost visualize another way.

     So I'm curious to know - since we're talking about real life and I don't live on a mountain top (I do live at the bottom of the mountain, if that counts for anything):  If you have experienced the effects of some kind of imbalance, have you medicated them so you can move forward out of that mental state?  Have you found other workarounds?  Have you accepted it? Moved through it?  

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