Friday, January 27, 2012


"If we do not want to change and develop, then we might as well remain in a deathlike sleep." 
-Bruno Bettelheim

“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.” - Henry David Thoreau


    Next thing that happens to that plant up there?  IT EXPLODES.  I mean, it doesn't just shyly unfurl like a fern, and it doesn't seductively open its sweet bud to gradually reveal a full bloomed and fragrant rose... it just EXPLODES into a hundred thousand lilac-purple flowers, like magnificent purple suns on earth.  Like, WA-POW, in-your-face, I ain't got time for messing around, I-AM-HERE explosion of Being.

     Once upon a time, I had a bedroom of my own, before I was married, my early-20's, chandelier dripping, fuscia-accented, deliciously-linen-ed bedroom.  One wall was an alarming but at the same time soothing "hot lips" pink.  People felt strongly about it - loved it or hated it - but after 3 tenants (all male!), that Hot Lips Pink still stood.  And though I've moved on from that bedroom and that stage of life, I've always looked for a window into which to sneak that Hot Lips pink.  Even just a tissue box!

     Today in my new job, I finalized the details of the furniture for my shared office.  I waltzed into IKEA, only to find the darling desks I'd picked out for us in one of those amazing IKEA inspiration displays... with HOT LIPS PINK  as the accent wall!  I danced inside, texted a pic to my boss/officemate, and rejoiced at even the little possibility that I could be living the hot lips life again soon.

     I got back to the office and once again, that color elicits strong opinions.  Too unprofessional.  Too girly.  I could see my boss/officemate longing for it but hesitating to speak up.  So, I exploded into a hundred thousand hot lips flowers.  Like, I-AM-HERE exploded, made an executive decision, and tomorrow morning at 9am, I will start slapping the dark primer all over those walls in a glorious expression of femininity AND professionalism.

     Instant uplift: Ask for what you want.  Demand it.  We have rich people problems - celebrate them!!! "LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH AND BE HAPPY!!"

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